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Attention! Shenzhen Customs inspection rate soared by 10%! What does "Customs Inspection" check?

Recently, a freight forwarder issued a notice saying that the Customs is carrying out DP03 special action of "false trade, high price report and brand infringement". Strictly investigate the electronic products, lamps and toys. All products involving UL and brand infringement have special control instructions. What is particularly "abnormal" is that those with DP03 instruction of "False Trade, High Price Reporting" issued by Shenzhen Customs General Administration will not be released by law, and those with too high nuclear unit price will be directly returned to customs. Since October, Shenzhen Customs has increased the inspection rate from 5% to 15%. At present, there are more than 600 inspectors in the latest ranking and more than 400 inspectors in the machine. It is estimated that it will take 3-5 days for the counter to enter the market. The freight forwarder said: "I am saddened to remind our customers that the customs declaration materials must be accurate, especially the small problems that are easy to ignore, such as brand models and materials. At the same time, the unit price of customer documents should not be reported as high as possible, and the total price should be controlled within 10W to avoid the situation of inspection and disposal." picture The freight forwarder thinks: during this period, the seller should pay more attention to the problems of his own goods and provide relevant authorization recognized by the customs. In general, 2 votes out of 10 votes in the first shipping journey will be checked at the counter. With a probability of 15%, it can be released in 1-2 weeks if the spot check is less. If it is slow, it is usually the seller's goods that have problems, and it is necessary to provide various data to prove it. If you can't provide it, you will face destruction. In order to reduce tariffs, many sellers declare that the value of goods is far lower than the actual value, and they have not taken out insurance yet. If they encounter inspection, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and if they carry sensitive goods, they need to open the box for inspection. Sellers should never dismiss the problems of customs inspection, especially sellers of electronic products, lamps and toys, which involve many certifications. It is suggested to prepare CPC certification and FCC certification in advance. What does "Customs Inspection" check? Come, let's take a look at the details There will be some extra costs for customs to check cabinets, but these costs are not collected by the customs, but the fees for hanging cabinets and dismantling cabinets collected by the wharf. Because it is only for customs inspection, the wharf generally calls these fees customs inspection fees, and the wharf will issue formal invoices. Therefore, these counter checking fees are paid by SHIPPER. General customs will have inspection notice before goods inspection, and there will be inspection report after goods inspection. picture Inspection is an important means of customs supervision, and customs declaration is just a procedure. Customs will conduct spot checks on some sensitive commodity names according to its own experience and policies at that time, and of course, sometimes it will be spot checks without any reason. When checking, the box will be opened to see if it is consistent with the customs declaration information, name, quantity, declared value, etc., whether there is tax fraud or evasion of commodity inspection, and the HS code classification is incorrect. There is no charge for customs inspection, but because the inspection is carried out in the port area, which is responsible for unpacking, loading and unloading, sealing and so on, it is also stipulated by the state to pay money to the port area. picture There are generally several directions for customs to check goods, so the common problems of inspection errors generally include: A. check the product name It is easy to make mistakes here, that is, the scientific name and common name of products are easy to be mistaken, and then the translated Chinese name with multiple meanings of English words sometimes does not match the actual name. B. Check the specifications Error-prone is that some factory customers have printed the carton packaging specifications, and there are many specifications, which need the largest one and the smallest one, and then there are two specifications with irregular product lengths, one above and one below. C. Check the quantity It's the total quantity, and it's easy to make mistakes, especially the tax refund. The reason for frequent mistakes here is that the customs declaration materials are made in advance, and the data has changed and forgot to be updated when the cabinet is loaded. D. Check the weight There are two places where weight is easy to make mistakes. The first is that the gross weight and net weight of bulk goods exceed the actual weight by 3%-5%. Second, the products priced by weight only know the gross weight, but the net weight is calculated. Many customers have the formula that the gross weight minus the net weight divided by the number of pieces does not exceed 1 or 2 kg to push back the net weight, which leads to inconsistency with the actual net weight. I once experienced a funny customer who calculated the wrong net weight by this method. In the final inspection, the customs decided that there was a problem without unpacking and weighing. The reason turned out to be that every carton customized by the customer had a box mark on it. E. check the number of pieces It is easy to make mistakes, that is, the tail boxes, samples and gifts are not counted. Once, customers put out a cabinet to produce their own goods, and when they put it in the cabinet, they installed 4 or 5 boxes of other factory products bought in China for foreign customers, and the total number of pieces was not summed up F. Check the shipping marks Some products have shipping marks, some don't, and some shipping marks will reflect some products and logo information, if any, they must be reflected in the customs declaration form. G. check whether there is infringement Everyone knows this. Distinguish famous brand, imitation brand, label, tag, R Logo and LOGO. H. Check the final place of production That is, the source of goods. Some factories will disclose the source of goods or advertising information of some products in packaging. In particular, in tripartite trade, it is easy to have wrong origin information or destination information, especially in tripartite trade to Russia. Singapore companies buy goods from China and sell them to Russian buyers whose suppliers are unclear. Don't make a mistake when the origin information is random, otherwise it will not be cleared. I. Check the classification To check whether the customs code is accurate, it is easy to make mistakes, that is, multi-functional products should be classified accurately. For example, tablet computers with call function should be classified as mobile phones instead of tablet computers. G. Check the old and new Many old things can't be exported. It's easy to make mistakes, that is, the machines of flat cabinets and open-top cabinets get wet in the open air, which makes people misjudge that they are old, and that many things of moving immigration cabinets are old. K. Check the price There is a price range in the customs system for the code corresponding to each item of goods imported and exported by the customs. There are generally two price ranges, one is the price range at the local export port and the other is the price limit range nationwide. Especially, the price audit is particularly strict when importing, and it is relatively better when exporting. L. sampling for inspection This kind of products is relatively rare, and they are usually chemical products that need to be tested and cannot be judged by naked eyes. M. check the car body Check the container trucks of checked containers during transit between China and Hong Kong. Check the box body Check the container, basically did not carefully check, also can't find any problems, generally is the special cabinet carefully check. O. whether to hide or not That is, whether there are some things that are not produced or omitted in the factory. I have seen many of these things, such as bacon sausage, famous brand TV, books and electric bicycles.
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