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Do you know all these differences between shipowner's bill of lading and freight forwarder's bill of

Owner's bill of lading refers to ocean bill of lading (master b/l, also called master bill, ocean bill of lading, abbreviated as m bill) issued by shipping company, which can be issued to direct owner (at this time, freight forwarder can not issue bill of lading) or freight forwarder (at this time, freight forwarder issues bill of lading to direct owner). Freight forwarder bill of lading (house b/l, also called sub-bill of lading, referred to as h bill) should be called NVOCC (first-class freight forwarder, which has been certified in China since 2002, and can only be approved if the freight forwarder pays a deposit at the bank designated by the Ministry of Communications). It is a bill of lading issued by a freight forwarder who has been approved by the Ministry of Communications and registered to obtain NVOCC (non-vessel operating common carrier) qualification, and is generally issued to direct customers Sometimes, a peer applies a bill of lading, at which time the bill of lading is issued to the peer, and the peer will issue its own bill of lading to its direct owner. At present, there are more export orders from HOUSE, especially to Europe and America. For exporters, both bills of lading can be used as negotiation documents and will be accepted by banks. The difference between the two 1. The contents of SHIPPER and CONSIGNEE columns on the bill of lading are different. SHIPPER shipper of freight forwarding bill of lading is the actual exporter (direct owner), and CONSIGNEE consignee generally fills in the same column of consignment note according to the provisions of the letter of credit, usually TO order; When the M bill is issued to the actual exporter, the SHIPPER shipper fills in the exporter and the CONSIGNEE consignee fills in according to the consignment note; When it is issued to the forwarder, the SHIPPER shipper fills the forwarder, and the CONSIGNEE consignee fills the forwarder's agent at the destination port. 2. The procedures for changing bills at destination ports are different. As long as you hold the M order, you can exchange the import bill of lading directly at the shipping agency of the destination port. The procedure is simple and fast, and the cost is relatively fixed and cheap; However, the holder of the H bill must go to the destination port forwarder to exchange the M bill before he can get the bill of lading and go through the formalities of customs declaration and delivery, and the bill exchange cost is expensive and not fixed, which is entirely determined by the destination port forwarder. 3. As a bill of lading, M is the most basic and true document of title, and the shipping company will deliver the goods to the consignee indicated on M at the destination port. If the exporter gets the H bill, it means that the actual control of the shipped goods is in the hands of the freight forwarder (at this time, the consignee of the M bill is the agent of the freight forwarder at the destination port), and if the freight forwarder goes bankrupt, the exporter (importer) cannot pick up the goods from the shipping company with H. 4. For the whole case, both M and H orders can be issued, and only H orders can be issued for the packed goods, because the shipping company will not help the shippers to pack the cases, nor will it help the shippers to distribute the goods at the destination port. 5. The B/L number of the general freight forwarder does not enter the customs manifest management system, which is different from the bill of lading number on the import declaration form; B/L of the freight forwarder has the name and contact information of the forwarder, but the contact company is not a port forwarder such as foreign forwarder or sinotrans. H list also has the following advantages 1. For FOB terms, in to pay the freight business, the freight forwarder usually needs to call the consignee of the main order to the agent at the destination port, and then the freight forwarder issues the sub-order to the customer, and the destination port agent will collect the freight from the consignee in the future. On the one hand, shipping companies have certain restrictions on to pay the freight, and on the other hand, the difference between the shipping company's price and the price quoted to customers is not easy to handle if only the main bill is issued. However, agents can deal with this problem in a very special way. 2. For the business of DDU and DDP, the shipping company will only be responsible for delivering the goods to the destination port. If the consignor requires the freight forwarder to provide one-stop service, then the freight forwarder will need to issue a sub-bill, and the main bill will be issued to his agent in the destination port, who will be responsible for customs clearance, delivery and even paying taxes in the destination port. This is the popular door-to-door service at present, and the freight forwarder is responsible for picking up the goods from the shipper's door to the consignee's door. 3. For the business in triangle trade, the domestic freight forwarder will ask the shipping company to issue the whole master order to itself, and then issue a set of sub-orders where the shipper is the supplier and the consignee is the middleman; Then SWITCH BILL OF LADING is made at the place where the middlemen are located, that is, the shipper of the bill of lading is the middlemen and the consignee is the consignee at the actual destination port. 4. For several customers' small goods, a container will be put together to the same destination port. At this time, the freight forwarder will adopt the method of attaching more points to the CONSIGN of the main order, and then issue several sub-orders to each customer. The sub-orders are numbered as 001A, 001B, 001C ... In the future, the agent of the destination port will put out this container, and the customer will pick it up at the destination port by virtue of the customs clearance of the sub-orders. 5. Under the L/C payment method (the L/C also stipulates that the H bill is acceptable), if the exporter cannot produce the goods within the specified delivery date and cannot ship the goods on time, he can ask the freight forwarder to issue HB/L and sign the bill of lading in reverse, and of course the freight forwarder will ask for a letter of guarantee. picture MBL and HBL processes 1.SHIPPER passes the consignment note to FORWARDER, stating whether the whole case or the LCL. 2.FORWARDER will book the cabin with the shipping company, and the ship will be ON BOARD. The shipping company issued MBL to FORWARDER. The SHIPPER of MBL is the FORWARDER of the port of departure, and CNEE is generally the branch or agent of FORWARDER's destination port. 3.FOWARDER signs HBL to SHIPPER. SHIPPER of HBL is the real owner. CNEE usually makes a letter of credit by TO ORDER. 4.CARRIER will deliver the goods to the destination port after the ship leaves. 5.FORWARDER sends MBL to the branch of destination port through DHL/UPS/TNT. (INCLUDING:CUSTOM CLEARANCE DOCS) 6.SHIPPER will deliver the bill of lading to the domestic negotiating bank within the delivery period and settle the foreign exchange. Send documents directly to foreign guests if you do t/t shpper. 7. The negotiating bank shall settle the full set of documents with the issuing bank. 8.CONSIGNEE pays the redemption slip to the issuing bank. 9. FORWARDER at the port of destination takes MBL and exchanges the bill with the shipping company for delivery and customs clearance. 10.CONSIGNEE takes HBL and picks up the goods from FORWARDER. The distinction between freight forwarder bill of lading and shipowner bill of lading The apparent distinction between freight forwarder bill of lading and shipowner bill of lading: it can be distinguished from the bill of lading of CARRIER or forwarder. Like big shipping companies, you can see it at a glance, like EISU, PONL, ZIM, YML and so on. Distinguish shipowner's bill of lading from freight forwarder's bill of lading mainly from the following aspects: 1. freight forwarder's b/l (HB/l) bill of lading is unacceptable if there is no special provision in the letter of credit. 2. The difference between freight forwarder bill of lading and shipowner bill of lading is mainly in the heading and signing. Issuer and signature of shipowner's bill of lading, ISBP and UCP600 clearly stipulate that it is signed and issued by the carrier, the captain or their named agent, and it appears as the name of the shipping company, which can be known by some large shipping companies at a glance, such as EISU, PONL, ZIMU, YMLU and so on. As long as the bill of lading of freight forwarder is issued in the name of freight forwarder, it is not necessary to show the name of the carrier, and it is not necessary to show that it is the agent of the carrier and the captain. Finally, there is also a general freight forwarder bill of lading, that is, a general freight forwarder bill of lading, which can be signed as long as they have an agent at the destination port or can borrow an agent. This kind of bill of lading is not strictly regulated in practice, and there are stamps of AS CARRIER or ASAAgnet. Some freight forwarders are not standardized, so they can sign or borrow in advance. It is possible to falsify data. It is also this kind of bill of lading that is easy to be deceived, and there is no evidence to check.
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