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Freight forwarding operation process (whole) , worth collecting

The flow of the whole cargo (non-dangerous goods) exported by sea is as follows: canvassing → inquiry → booking → acceptance of consignment → confirmation → unloading → loading → loading → entry → border inspection → Declaration → declaration → Customs Declaration → stowage (loading plan)→ examination of bill of lading → confirmation of shipowner → advance purchase of foreign exchange → payment of all expenses → signing of bill of lading → confirmation with the cargo owner → confirmation of payment → confirmation and payment → issuing of Commercial Invoice → discharging/electricity discharging/making of seaway bill → booking → booking → booking → acceptance of consignment → confirmation of booking → booking of cargo for business, the consignor 2, Consignee 3, notifier 4, commodity name (in English and Chinese)5, port of destination, port of Transit 6, container volume, special instructions for overweight containers (for special containers, detailed cargo dimensions, length * Width * Height, gross weight, volume, etc. , and sometimes more detailed cargo loading sequence and layout drawings are required.) The maximum sizes of each type are: (length * Width * Height) Loadable weight

1×20’GP=31CBM 6*2.38*2.38 25 17MT 
1×40’GP=67CBM 12*2.38*2.38 55 25MT 
1×40’HC=76CBM 12*2.7*2.38 

(Note: GP General Purpose Box; CBM cubic metre; MT metric ton; HC high cubic box)7. Special instructions for dangerous goods and frozen goods 8. Time of shipment (whether required by L/C)9. stowage requirements (shipping documents, etc.)10. Date of shipment and mode of delivery 11. Means of freight settlement (advance payment, cash on delivery) Whether payment is made in the third place 12, whether the shipowner is appointed 13, whether there is a requirement to apply for a n-day free counter period at the port of destination 14, whether the bill of lading is issued at MB/l or HB/L, whether the third place sign a single two, the line manager according to the salesman's request to the shipping company inquiry, to apply for a lower price, for the choice of the owner. (I) if booking space directly with the owner, the following points should be noted: 1. Whether the owner has received the port of destination stated by the owner 2. Whether it is possible to receive the overweight containers 3. Whether the owner is a direct vessel or an intermediate vessel; Where to transfer 4, a few days to reach the port of destination 5, the voyage linked to what terminal (Xiamen Sea sky, Xiangyu, international trade, the international containers outside the island, Songyu, Hairun)6, whether the voyage space is tight, is it possible to ensure that shipping space (II) may be booked through a second forwarder if necessary (E.G. at a lower freight rate) if the owner is appointed, but with the exception of the points to be noted which are the same as the owner, we should also confirm the following aspects before booking: 1. Whether to change SHOPPER or other materials when making bill of Lading 2, can I apply for free on n-day basis? 3. When bill of lading is issued, is it MB/l or HB/L 4? Can I guarantee shipping space? (this is only applicable to PREPAID FREIGHT.)

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