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Operation flow of freight forwarder (whole)

The flow of the whole cargo (non-dangerous goods) exported by sea is as follows: canvassing → inquiry → booking → acceptance of consignment → confirmation → unloading → loading → loading → entry → border inspection → Declaration → declaration → Customs Declaration → stowage (loading plan)→ examination of bill of lading → confirmation of shipowner → advance purchase of foreign exchange → payment of all expenses → signing of bill of lading → confirmation with the cargo owner → confirmation of payment → confirmation and payment → issuing of Commercial Invoice → discharging/electricity discharging/making of seaway bill → booking → booking → booking → acceptance of consignment → confirmation of booking → booking of cargo for business, the consignor 2, Consignee 3, notifier 4, commodity name (in English and Chinese)5, port of destination, port of Transit 6, container volume, special instructions for overweight containers (for special containers, detailed cargo dimensions, length * Width * Height, gross weight, volume, etc. , and sometimes more detailed cargo loading sequence and layout drawings are required.) The maximum sizes of each type are: (length * Width * Height) Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. After the consignment sheet is faxed, you can send a reminder to the owner for booking the shipping space. At the same time, the salesman fills in the complete company business cover, and clearly indicates the cost of the amount of the towing company, customs broker and its telephone fax. (4) after receiving the confirmation of booking from the owner, the route supervisor shall fill in the bill of lading number and the ship name and voyage number on the cover, and hand it over to OP 5. The handling method of Emergency Situation 1. Because of the owner's request to change to the next voyage, the original booking confirmation shall be sent back to the owner to inform him of the refund of the ticket, and the shipping space for the next voyage shall be re-booked. If there is any change in the freight rate, the operator shall be informed in time and the owner shall be consulted. 2. The consignor requests to apply for a 10-14-day exemption period at the port of destination and contact the shipowner to confirm the specific number of days n that can be applied for and issue an application form for a n-day exemption period at the port of destination (with Shopper's stamp on the bill of lading) to be FAX to the shipowner. And then apply to the port of destination until confirmed. If the goods are named as chemicals, but not dangerous goods, and the shipowner has the request to explain, it is necessary to produce the description of non-dangerous goods, stamped with SHOPPER's seal on the bill of lading. 4. After packing, the owner of the vessel shall replace the vessel or the cargo owner shall request the replacement of the vessel to return the cargo to the owner with the confirmation of the original booking, re-book the vessel, obtain the confirmation of the new booking, and issue a set of application to the owner with the cargo agent's seal. Vessel name and voyage (MV) , b/l (OB/l) , port of embarkation/port of destination (POL/POD) , container number/container type (CNTR #) should be set to new vessel name and new b/l number. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. 3, booking confirmation, take 2 ~ 9 copies and booking confirmation send to the field to each ship agency for loading and unloading, collect the 2nd copy on behalf of the ship, and affix the loading document stamp on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th copies.

A, Cosco online booking, and the owner of the oral confirmation of the freight, in Cosco website login company user name and Password, enter the contents of the consignment, and in the additional notes marked the booking staff telephone, fax and "advance loan of 6,7,8 copies" . After sending, will first go through the audit before the ship, ship can be directly printed after the confirmed booking list, no need to load. B, SITC booking operation is even more different: The Japan line, SITC can be based on SALES to my division of the bill of lading number, and according to the ship's name on the schedule of shipping documents and shipping manifest 1 ~ 9 joint, no need for SITC booking confirmation to load. However, it is necessary to FAX the stowage order 1 to SITC to show that the booking, if space is tight, SITC will be notified. Other routes, if the ship is not SITC, SITC will send booking confirmation, should be to the feeder ship owners. If the ship SITC, then direct loading! Pick up empty containers and load them into the yard, sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. In addition, after entering the container, you can also log on to the portal site of the terminal to inquire shipowner, container type, seal and so on. II、 Yard 1 inform Yard 1 in advance to arrange yard loading plan, confirm yard loading time with owner, fax a copy of loading plan to owner (with OP's telephone fax)2 get equipment transfer order 3 before the owner delivers the goods to yard, yard should hoist the container 4 fill yard loading plan, indicate loading time, contact person, telephone (if SHIPPER has special requirements such as frame must 20, loading food to do container inspection, wood products to do fumigation, etc. , also should be informed. 5 If yard loading is completed, should ask the owner whether the container can be towed to the wharf if it is fully loaded. 6 if the container is accessible, obtain the container number and seal and check with the terminal. III. After the container has entered the terminal, arrange the field service to the terminal to stamp the entry stamp (on the 6th joint of the manifest) . 3. Frontier Inspection 1. If the vessel is going straight to the United States, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, they should fill in the frontier inspection form and go to the frontier inspection station within two days before sailing, and send it to the dock together with the 6,7 and 8 that have been released. 2, if the border inspection (and customs almost the same practice) , but if you can go to the yard to find tally seal, then go to the border station clearance. Special Requirements for containers 1. Container Inspection Cabinets (usually only for food export goods) , should inform the assistant inspectors as soon as possible of the estimated time of towing or field loading, and fax the loading list so as to arrange the inspection plan. It will take about half a working day for the counter inspection. The Assistant Inspector shall fill in the following valid contents: Inspection report number, case number, specification, temperature, inspection evaluation, signature of the assistant inspector, signature of the inspector, and affix the official seal of the forwarder. After passing the inspection, the Commodity Inspection Bureau shall issue the certificate of Inspection and Quarantine of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine containers of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the certificate of inspection and Quarantine) , the original of which shall be given to the Customs Declaration Bank in exchange for the customs clearance certificate, the copy of which shall be stamped with the words "this copy is used by the inspection and quarantine organ of the place of origin for the inspection and filing of the containers" , and the salesman shall return the goods to the owner. The assistant inspector shall, after issuing the counter inspection list in a number, fill out the registration form of the outbound container loading goods and send it to the Commodity Inspection Bureau for Verification and cancellation with seal. 2. If the goods are wooden pallets or wooden packing for Europe and other countries, they shall be fumigated as required by the port of destination. Before fumigation, first to determine whether the owner's goods are ready, in advance of the trailer or field ready to fumigation. The required fumigation materials are: (1) declaration of wooden packing materials for goods destined for Europe (official seal)(2) letter of entrustment for inspection and inspection (3) a letter of guarantee issued by the consignor for inspection and Inspection (4) invoice of goods (5) packing list of goods (official seal)(6) if the outer packing of the goods is wet due to weather, it may cause the marking to be blurred, and because of the tight delivery time, it is necessary to add the marking and fumigation within the prescribed time, so a letter of guarantee is issued for fumigation. * After the materials are handed over to the customs broker, the latter shall make an appointment with the Commodity Inspection Bureau for Fumigation. The fumigation time is 24 hours, after fumigation obtains by the Commodity Inspection Bureau printing fumigation certificate. As the fumigation time is longer, after the gas can enter, declaration, Customs Declaration, it should be arranged in advance. If the owner does not have the customer code at the ship agency, he may fill out the customer code application form, affix the SHOPPER's seal on the manifest, and apply for the code at the ship agency. 2. After loading, the cargo owner changes the container capacity, vessel name, voyage, Bill of lading number, master of the container, container type, size, number of used containers, etc. . Change the location of the case and return to the case, go directly to the case management department. All stowed goods are subject to a booking fee of 50. After receiving the equipment transfer order, you do not go to the storage yard to pick up the suitcase. If you do not return the suitcase to the storage yard for any reason, you should take the full set of equipment transfer order to the ship for handling the return shipment. After the return of the empty box without permission, can not change the use of other ticket export or intercept without authorization (change to use other tickets need to issue a letter of guarantee) . Otherwise, the wrong boxes, losses and related costs arising therefrom shall be borne by the liable party. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. If it is a refrigerated container, it should also describe the air vent and temperature. If it is a refrigerated container, it should call the container that has passed the inspection. 6. After lifting the container, because the goods can not be ready, the owner of the container requests to postpone the export time after the container has been lifted for one voyage and the export time has been postponed. In accordance with the shipping company's time schedule, if the time of using the container exceeds the free time limit provided by the shipping company, the container overdue fee shall be collected in accordance with the relevant provisions. 7. If the consignor fails to arrive on time, apply for late arrival and contact the shipowner promptly with the estimated arrival time. The shipowner shall apply to the port under the supervision of the customs and attach the application for late arrival indicating the name of the vessel, Voyage, Bill of lading number, case number, port of discharge, place of delivery, etc. (stamped with forwarder's seal)

Declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare declare in the same time as loading goods, in order to declare in time. Always pay attention to the time of interception, interception of orders, interception of customs declaration, interception of clearance. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. * * If booking is made through a second forwarder, the forwarder will be responsible for loading. After loading, the forwarder will hand over the 5,6,7 and 8 copies of the manifest together with a blank pre-departure change (forwarder's seal) and a blank 2 and 9 copies of the manifest (forwarder's seal) for declaration. 2 newly printed 2,6,7,7,8,9 for declaration (printed with counter number and seal)3 change (forwarder seal)4 correct packing list (with counter number and seal) ? ? ? ? From the field to the shipping agency. If there is no change at the time of declaration, there is no need to update the 2,6,7,8,9 and pre-departure Changes . At this time, the Shipping Agency will collect the 2nd and 9th forms and affix special stamps on the 6th and 8th forms for declaration and Inspection. The purpose is to obtain the customs clearance form for export goods which must be provided by the entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau upon inspection and consent to export 1. If the export commodities are the commodities subject to commodity inspection as stipulated by the state, the consignor is required to provide the relevant documents of the inspection report and Exchange Order . The Customs House provides the CONSIGNOR's invoice, packing list, sales contract, as well as the counter inspection list, the inspection authorization letter and a copy of the loading list with the entry seal . The declaration form must be submitted to the customs together with the declaration materials . 2, check the change of Customs Clearance Single Commodity Inspection (technical inspection/random inspection) , must go through the customs broker to the Commodity Inspection Bureau appointment inspection . The inspected goods do not need to enter the dock, as long as the goods loaded container, can have on-site inspection directly with the inspection bureau inspector on-site inspection on it . At this time the inspection is mainly aimed at the packaging performance of the goods and production lot number . The customs clearance documents can be exchanged after inspection . 3, the outside consignors in Xiamen Export Declaration should be the local inspection and Quarantine Bureau, issued by the certificate certificate in Xiamen Declaration . Customs Declaration 1. After Declaration, hand over 6,7,8 copies and customs declaration materials to the customs broker 2. The customs broker shall print out the customs declaration form first with the whole set of customs declaration materials forwarded by OP, and make the customs declaration form pre-input . The declaration data shall be entered into the customs computer, which shall be received by the customs before the relevant declaration documents can be formally submitted to the Customs 4. Loading (loading scheme) the cargo shall be delivered to the wharf for loading in a timely manner after the cargo is released. The next step is usually operated by the customs broker, who shall deliver the items 6,7 and 8 bearing the "customs clearance stamp" to the loading room of the WHARF . Upon receipt of the bill of lading, the terminal will stamp the 8th joint, return it to the customs broker and hand it over to the forwarder for use when signing the bill of lading, leaving the 6th and 7th Joint . The seventh copy is transferred from the quay to the first officer of the exporting ship as the basis for loading the ship, while the sixth copy is handed over to the forwarder for retention after the ship has sailed The owner of the vessel always, out of his own consideration, confirms several more spaces to the booking agent in order to prevent the shipper from returning the cargo and causing loss to the voyage when it is not fully loaded . Do Not dump the cabinet until it can not be loaded after the explosion The owner of the vessel informed the line supervisor of the company that the container had been dumped . Under normal circumstances, ship owners will entrust a customs broker to make a uniform change of cargo. Different ship owners have different requirements, depending on the specific circumstances Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence . 3, the shipping agent has cut off the loading, and the goods urgently need to be exported. A letter of guarantee (with forwarder's official seal) should be sent to the customs broker for handling, and the loading, declaration and Customs Declaration can be made at the same time 4. The goods exceed the weight limit of the port of destination and can not enter the port. Issue a letter of guarantee to the shipowner stating that all consequences shall be borne by the forwarder and stamped with the forwarder's official seal 5. The port of embarkation and the location of the suitcase are located in two different areas within the island or outside the island, which has a critical impact on the cost of towing vehicles, with attention to the creation of new tolls for crossing bridges 6. The container has entered the terminal, but due to special reasons, the container has to be removed from the terminal and re-entered the terminal exit, or moved to another terminal exit. The container should provide the consignor/trailer company's relevant instructions and the customs inspection information, the rearranged consignment note and the carrying case, etc. , and go to the Shipping Agency for the transfer of the heavy container to the terminal A bill of lading is a document evidencing the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or shipment of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier warrants the delivery of the goods It is the receipt of the consignee for delivery of the goods BILL OF LADING CONTENTS: 1 name of Vessel Voyage 2 Bill of Lading No. 3 Name of carrier 4 name of Consignor 5 Consignee 6 notifying person 7 port of loading, port of discharge, port of Transhipment 8 name of goods, mark, packing, number of packages, weight, volume 9 payment terms of freight 10 date, place, number of copies of bill of lading * * * * * * * Most importantly, the signature or seal of the carrier or his authorized person 2, examination of bill of Lading 1, check, alteration of bill of lading must be made before the time appointed by the shipowner in order to avoid unnecessary bill of lading charges . 2, issue bill of lading or telex release, need to the shipowner or the designated ship agent for handling, and must have the eighth copy and the relevant guarantee, as well as the bank payment water bill which has paid the cost of each item (issued the guarantee to borrow and pay the remittance in advance to pay the sea freight) . At the same time, you can also make out the invoice of the paid expenses against the water bill and hand it to the financial bookkeeping 1. First of all, you should go to the customs broker in time to get back the eighth joint which is stamped with the dock seal after the clearance . 2, the fourth copy to the shipping agent to pay document fees, if for prepayment, when the owner of freight has paid against the water (the original, non-copy of the city can be a guarantee) and the fourth copy of the Freight Invoice Bill of lading (b/l) bill of lading (b/l) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) bill of lading (bill of lading) Bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) bill of lading) Bill of lading (bill of lading) bill of lading) Bill of lading (Bill of lading) bill of lading) bill of lading) bill of lading (Bill of lading) bill of lading) bill of lading) bill of lading (bill of lading) bill of lading) bill of lading (bill of lading) Bill of lading) bill of lading) . 3 if the form of the letter of guarantee provided by the consignor allows the backdated b/l to be in the prescribed form, it must be confirmed by the shipowner together with the letter of guarantee . .

Note: The time of taking the bill of lading should wait for the ship to depart, and the chief officer's receipt (seventh copy) should be taken back by the ship owner and checked by the ship's agent before the ship's agent will issue the bill of lading. In general, the ship's agent will not issue the bill of lading until half a day after the ship's departure, but if the ship owner can issue the bill of lading himself, you can issue a change of guarantee after the ship has sailed, as long as the owner of the goods is OK. Telex release, when the goods are loaded on board the ship and the shipping company issues a bill of lading, the consignee must produce an original bill of lading duly endorsed (usually a full set of original bills of lading when the port of discharge is changed or in other exceptional cases)(Note: This is the nature of the bill of lading as a surrender security, i.e. the right to take delivery of the goods on the bill of lading must be realized by the surrender of the bill of lading) , all the charges shall be paid in full before delivery orders (D/O) can be obtained at the port of discharge to pick up the goods. When the consignee is unable to obtain the bill of lading in time, it is usually the consignee who takes delivery of the goods after receiving the bill of lading in exchange for the guarantee. However, the shipping company can not use the guarantee against a third person (the actual consignee holding the bill of lading) , since the bill of lading is a document whereby the carrier guarantees delivery of the goods. The terms set out in the bill of lading for the delivery of the goods to the named person, or to the direction of the person directing them, or to the holder of the bill of lading, constitute a guarantee by which the carrier may deliver the goods. In order to enable the consignee to take delivery of the goods in time in some cases where the bill of lading can not be obtained in time and the shipping company is unwilling to deliver the goods under the guarantee, the practice has given rise to the practice of "telex release" . What is commonly referred to as "telex release" is a narrow concept, that is, the shipper (shipper) will ship the goods and return to the carrier (or its agent) a full set of original bills of lading issued by the carrier (or its agent) , at the same time the consignee is appointed (in the case of a non-bearer bill of lading) ; the carrier authorizes (usually by telex, cable, etc.) its agent at the port of discharge to deliver the goods without the consignee producing the original bill of lading (which has been recovered) . Therefore, the legal principle of "Telex" is: In the case of a bill of lading issued by the carrier, when the bill of lading can be recovered when the delivery of goods (or the issuance of bills of lading) . Since the carrier takes back the bill of lading at a place other than the place of delivery (port of discharge)(usually at the port of loading) as an exceptional case, the full set of the original bill of lading is taken back. However, at present, the relevant international conventions, national laws (such as China's Maritime Law) and regulations do not have the definition of "discharge" . The telex release shall be made by the shipper with written application or letter of guarantee. If the original bill of lading has been issued, the full set of original bills of lading shall be collected before the telex release can be made. 5. SEAWAYBILL : basically the equivalent of a telex, but not every port of destination will allow you to make a seaway bill. (generally free of charge) * With the eighth copy of the invoice, document fee, sea freight invoice (attachment) plus the owner's original letter of guarantee to the shipowner for payment of the charge. Customers should abide by the principle of seeing the loan slip 2: Monthly: Monthly customers can directly release the slip to customers after the sailing.

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