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Do Not meet the requirements of the port loading and unloading! The Ministry of Transport of the Peo

In order to implement the deployment requirements of the State Council Committee for Work Safety on centralized control of hazardous chemicals in road transportation safety nationwide, and to effectively enhance the level of road transportation safety management of hazardous chemicals, to resolutely curb the occurrence of serious and major accidents, the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China recently issued the following relevant notices: 1. Strictly qualification and safe access for road transport of Hazardous Chemicals; 1. To thoroughly carry out road transport of hazardous chemicals associated with operation and clearance. Under the unified leadership of the local Government of the People's Republic of China, the local transportation authorities shall actively work together with the departments of public security and market supervision, in accordance with the requirements of the "essentials for the operation and rectification of road transportation of hazardous chemicals" (Annex) , to comprehensively clean up the road transport affiliated vehicles of hazardous chemicals that are inconsistent between the operating subject as stated in the road transport certificate and the vehicle driving license registration subject, centralized management enterprises fail to educate and train their employees, fail to inspect and maintain their vehicles according to regulations, fail to monitor their vehicles dynamically according to regulations and fail to issue dangerous goods waybills to their vehicles according to regulations. In case of the above-mentioned situation and the rectification work has not been completed within three months and the conditions for safe production are not met, the local transportation authorities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the People's Republic of China on safe production, if the road transport enterprise of hazardous chemicals is ordered to suspend business for rectification, and the conditions for safe production are not met after the rectification, its road transport operation license shall be revoked according to law. (in principle, if there are genuine difficulties, the clearance of articulated vehicles by December 2020 can be extended to the end of January 2020; and the elimination of articulated operations by the end of the 20212021.)(II) comprehensive verification of the status of licensed road transport practitioners of hazardous chemicals on the job. The local transportation departments in charge shall formulate inspection plans and further intensify safety inspection, for violations of laws and regulations committed by drivers, escorts and loading and unloading personnel of road transport enterprises (units) of hazardous chemicals who have not obtained the license to work, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with Article 60 of the Administrative Provisions on the transport of dangerous goods by road (Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China Order No. 42 of 2019) . To urge the hazardous chemicals road transport enterprises (units) within their jurisdiction to comply with the relevant requirements of the "measures for the administration of Safety in road transport of dangerous goods" (order no. 29 of 2019 of the six departments including the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China)(hereinafter referred to as the measures) and the "rules for road transport of dangerous goods" (JT/T 617 Foshan 2018) , to organize and carry out pre-job training and regular safety education for drivers, escorts, operational dispatchers, dynamic monitoring personnel and safety management personnel, etc. , to ensure that employees have the quality skills for hazardous chemicals road transport related operations. (in principle, if difficulties do arise, Verification and rectification can be completed before the end of December 2020, and 2021 can be extended to the end of January; 2021 can be eliminated by the end of March.)

(3) to comprehensively inspect the implementation of such systems as the maintenance, testing, use, management and examination of special-purpose vehicles for road transport of hazardous chemicals. The competent departments of transport in all localities shall strictly control the entry of vehicles to the customs and the annual examination. No Road Transport Certificate shall be issued to those who fail to meet the requirements of the relevant regulations and standards, and no annual examination shall be conducted. To urge road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals to carry out their principal responsibilities, and in accordance with the requirements of the Provisions on technical management of Road Transport Vehicles (Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China Order No. 19,2019) , establish and strictly implement the vehicle maintenance and vehicle technical file system to ensure the vehicles in good technical condition. Failing to establish vehicle technical files or files that are not in compliance with regulations or failing to make good vehicle maintenance records, as well as illegal acts involving the transport of hazardous chemicals such as the use of scrap, unauthorized modification, assembly, unqualified testing, and vehicles of substandard technical grade, punishment shall be imposed in accordance with Article thirty-one of the Regulations on the Technical Administration of road transport vehicles. In principle, the inspection and rectification shall be completed by the end of December 2020, and those with genuine difficulties may be extended to the end of January 2020. The withdrawal mechanism of road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals shall be improved. The competent traffic and transport departments of various localities shall direct the road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals in accordance with the requirements of the law of the People's Republic of China on Work Safety and the notice of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on Printing and distributing the interim measures for the management of Work Safety Risks in the highway and waterway industries and the interim measures for the control of hidden work safety hazards in the highway and waterway industries (no. 60[2017] of the traffic supervision and Administration Commission) , establishing and perfecting the system of Hidden Danger Investigation and management and risk prevention and control. To Guide Road Transport Enterprises of hazardous chemicals to promote standardization of production safety. If the conditions for production safety are not met even after the suspension of production or business for rectification, the relevant operation qualification shall be revoked in accordance with the relevant requirements of the law of the People's Republic of China on production safety. (the 2021 will improve relevant mechanisms by the end of March.)2. Enhance the safety guarantee level of road transport of hazardous chemicals. 5. Advance the control of atmospheric pressure tank trucks for liquid dangerous goods in an orderly manner. The ministry, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Public Security and the General Administration of Market Supervision, will jointly publish the working plan for the control of tank trucks for liquid dangerous goods at atmospheric pressure (hereinafter referred to as the control plan for tank trucks) , deploy in the country to carry out special rectification of hidden safety risks of tank trucks for atmospheric liquid dangerous goods. After the issuance of the "tanker governance plan" , the local transportation authorities shall, in accordance with the unified deployment and requirements, do a good job in implementing various tasks, and strengthen communication and cooperation with the departments of industry and informatization, public security and market supervision, etc. , ensure that governance work is carried out smoothly and effectively. (the 2021 will be launched before the end of June)(VI) strengthening the management of meeting the standards of road transport vehicles for dangerous goods. As of January 1, the 2021 has issued an order for new dangerous goods road transport vehicles to be included in the list of approved road transport vehicle models, the Technical Support Unit shall conduct a technical review in accordance with the "safety technical conditions for vehicles operating on the road transport of dangerous goods" (JT 1285 -- 2020, hereinafter referred to as JT 1285 standard, including paragraph 8.1 of the Standard) ; from 1 May the 2021, the Technical Support Unit shall conduct a technical review of the newly applied and dangerous goods road transport vehicle models that have been included in the list of Standard Road Transport vehicle models, in accordance with JT/t 1285 standard (including standard 8.1 and 8.2) . Local transportation authorities should take the management of road transport vehicles up to the standard as the carrier, and make good use of road transport vehicles for dangerous goods. (the 2021 will fully implement the new vehicle safety technical standards from May 1)3) standardize the safety control of the road transportation process of Hazardous Chemicals 7) strictly control the safety control of the consignment, loading (filling) and other links of hazardous chemicals. Departments in charge of transportation at all levels shall take the initiative to report to the local Government of the People's Republic of China, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the measures and the notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on the implementation of the administrative measures for the safety of road transport of dangerous goods (delivery letter no. 1866[2019]) , to speed up the establishment of emergency management departments and Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China door of hazardous chemicals consignment, loading (filling) joint regulatory system, further clarify the regulatory responsibilities of the two departments; To strengthen the supervision and administration over the production and operation of Hazardous Chemicals and road transport enterprises (units) , and to urge and guide them in entrusting enterprises with the corresponding qualifications for road transport of dangerous goods to carry hazardous chemicals, in accordance with the "dangerous goods road transport rules" (JT/T 6172018) to determine the type of dangerous goods, items, product name, UN number, properly packed dangerous goods, and the corresponding dangerous goods in the outer packaging marking. The provisions on the inspection of hazardous chemicals before they are loaded or filled in road transportation shall be strictly implemented, to strictly investigate and punish, in accordance with the law, vehicles, tanks, personnel qualifications and waybills that have not been inspected, or to load or fill road transport vehicles with hazardous chemicals if they do not meet the inspection requirements, and illegal acts such as loading the approved load of a vehicle or filling dangerous chemicals with more than the approved pressure of a container. Where dangerous goods are discharged through a port, the road transport enterprise of dangerous goods acting as the principal of the port operation shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, provide the port operator with the information of the consignment list made by the shipper (including the information of the dangerous goods category, item, commodity name, number, quantity, emergency contact telephone number, hazard characteristics, emergency handling, etc.) ; Port operators shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, inspect vehicles, personnel and other relevant situations, and may not load or unload those that do not meet the requirements. They shall strengthen joint inspection and linkage with road transport enterprises of dangerous goods, and strictly abide by the relevant regulations for port operations. Under the leadership of the local Government of the People's Republic of China, the two departments strengthened coordination, and in accordance with the division of duties and responsibilities, cracked down on illegal shipments of hazardous chemicals, illegal loading (filling) and other illegal activities. (the 2021 will set up a co-ordinated regulatory mechanism by the end of June)

(8) to strengthen the safety supervision over the operation of road transport vehicles of hazardous chemicals. The provincial departments in charge of transportation shall strengthen their coordination with the public security departments and establish an information reporting mechanism for road traffic violations committed by road transport vehicles of hazardous chemicals. Those who have prominent hidden safety hazards and do not have the conditions for safe production shall be seriously dealt with in accordance with the relevant requirements of the law of the People's Republic of China on Work Safety until their corresponding qualifications are revoked. Local transportation authorities should actively push local governments to standardize the construction and management of special parking lots for road transport vehicles of hazardous chemicals according to local conditions. (2021 to establish a notification mechanism by the end of June)(ix) to effectively strengthen the safety control of the road transport process of hazardous chemicals. Road Management Units and road transport enterprises of Hazardous Chemicals shall study the establishment of a long-term working mechanism and organize to carry out route safety risk investigation and hidden danger management of hazardous chemicals in road transport in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. The local departments in charge of transport shall strengthen communication and cooperation with the relevant departments, supervise and guide them in accordance with the law in accordance with the division of duties and responsibilities, and encourage the trade associations concerned to give full play to the role of bridges and self-discipline. In order to report to the local Government of the People's Republic of China in time, the causes of accidents, traffic characteristics, terrain conditions and other factors should be considered, and the risk degree should be taken into consideration. If the road is damaged or the traffic facilities are damaged or lost, warning signs shall be set up and repaired in a timely manner. In accordance with the relevant technical standards and guidelines need to implement engineering measures, combined with trunk highway reconstruction, reconstruction and expansion projects. For those who have not yet arranged the reconstruction project or need to take traffic management measures, they should report to the local Government of the People's Republic of China in time and coordinate with the traffic control department of Public Security to strengthen traffic order management. (the 2021 will complete a round of screening by the end of March and continue to carry out)4. Establish A long-term mechanism for safety supervision and control of hazardous chemicals along the road transport chain (10) establish a mechanism for joint law enforcement by departments to coordinate supervision and control. Local transportation authorities should take the initiative to report to the local Government of the People's Republic of China and, in accordance with the provisions of the measures, study and learn from the practices of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Yunnan and other places, to further clarify the regulatory responsibilities of the industrial and information-based, public security, transportation, emergency management and market supervision departments, and to strengthen safety management in the areas of consignment, filling, inspection of transport vehicles and containers, and road operation in accordance with the law, we will establish and improve mechanisms for cooperation in joint law enforcement and for the transfer and receipt of cases, crack down on violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly strengthen the safety management of the entire road transport chain of hazardous chemicals. The 2021 will establish a mechanism by the end of March to facilitate the sharing of information systems across regions and departments. In accordance with the requirements of circular No. 531[2020] of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on strengthening the administration of road transport documents for dangerous goods, the competent transport departments at the provincial level shall, we will strictly implement the road transport document system for dangerous goods, speed up the construction and improvement of an electronic transport document management system for dangerous goods on the road, strengthen data sharing and application analysis, and effectively strengthen the safety management of the transport process. In the meantime, in accordance with the requirements of the notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on strengthening the construction of the safety supervision system of road transport of dangerous goods (no. 333 of the delivery letter [2017]) and the notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on printing and issuing the provincial engineering construction guide of the safety supervision system of road transport of dangerous goods (no. 763 of the delivery letter [2018]) , we will accelerate the construction and improvement of a road transport safety supervision system for dangerous goods, and promote the establishment of a closed-loop supervision system for the safe production of dangerous chemicals in road transport based on information technology, it lays a foundation for realizing the information safety management and information sharing of the whole life cycle of hazardous chemicals. By the end of 2020, the Department of Electronic waybill management system will be connected to the provincial network, and the 2021 will be completed by the end of June the road transport safety supervision system for dangerous goods will be completed. Local transportation authorities should study the establishment and improvement of the "blacklist" system of illegal and illegal acts in road transportation of hazardous chemicals. The ministry will speed up the revision of the administrative regulations on the transport of dangerous goods by road, further improve the system of licensing, supervision and inspection of the transport of dangerous goods by road, and improve the classification, classification, supervision and withdrawal mechanism of the transport of dangerous chemicals by road, to provide institutional guarantee for the safety supervision of Hazardous Chemicals in road transportation. (to improve the relevant mechanism by the end of March) the competent traffic and transport departments of all places shall, in accordance with the plan for centralized control of safety in road transport of hazardous chemicals throughout the country (No. 8[2020] of the Safety Committee of the State Council) and the requirements of this circular, under the leadership of the local Government of the People's Republic of China, strengthen communication and cooperation with the departments of industry and informatization, human resources and social security, public security, emergency management, market supervision, etc. , while ensuring the stability of the industry, we will actively but steadily carry forward the rectification work, spare no effort to solve the safety problems in road transport of dangerous chemicals, eradicate chronic diseases and illnesses that persist for a long time, effectively prevent and defuse major risks, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major and major accidents. The provincial transportation authorities shall make a comprehensive summary of the rectification work and form a written report. After the approval of the provincial (regional and municipal) Government of the People's Republic of China, they will report to the ministry before 202130 June. Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China will summarize the rectification work carried out in each province, and submit it to the State Council Committee on Work Safety.

Adhering to the principle of unified organization, classification of policies, compliance with laws and regulations, and coordinated management, and comprehensively clearing up road transport affiliated vehicles of hazardous chemicals that are inconsistent between the business entities as stated in the road transport certificates and the vehicle registration entities, centralized management enterprises fail to educate and train their employees, fail to inspect and maintain their vehicles according to regulations, fail to monitor their vehicles dynamically according to regulations and fail to issue dangerous goods waybills to their vehicles according to regulations. As a matter of principle, if there are difficulties in completing the cleaning up of docking vehicles by the end of December 2020, it can be extended to the end of 2021 by the end of January; and the phenomenon of docking operations can be eliminated by the end of 2021. (1) complete removal of vehicles attached to the transport of hazardous chemicals. Focus on cleaning up vehicles vehicle license all (right) name and operator name inconsistent with the vehicle. Through the road transportation management information system, combing and forming the vehicle account of the road transportation enterprise of hazardous chemicals, comparing the name of the owner (right) of the vehicle license with the name of the operator of the vehicle road transportation license, for the two vehicles with different names, enterprises are ordered to rectify within a time limit and go through the procedures for change. (2) comprehensively rectifying the acts of affiliated operation in the transportation of hazardous chemicals. 1. Enterprises fail to carry out safety education for employees according to regulations. We will focus on rectifying the failure of road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals to provide safety education to drivers and escorts. Check the account of the enterprise's safety education desk, check the safety education of drivers and escorts person by person, and punish those who fail to conduct safety education of drivers and escorts in accordance with Article fifty-six of the measures. To urge enterprises to make rectification within a time limit, establish and improve the safety education system for employees, and Conduct Safety Education for drivers and escorts on a regular basis. 2. Enterprises did not comply with the provisions of the vehicle for inspection and maintenance. Priority will be given to rectifying the failure of road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals to establish vehicle technical files, regular maintenance and inspection records as required. According to the Road Transportation Management Information System and the Enterprise Vehicle Ledger, check the enterprise vehicle technical files, 3 months out of Vehicle Inspection Records and other ledger. Those who fail to establish vehicle technical files or whose files do not conform to the regulations, or who fail to make good vehicle maintenance records, shall be punished in accordance with Article thirty-one of the Regulations on the technical management of road transport vehicles. If a vehicle is not inspected and recorded as required, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with article 60 of the measures. To urge enterprises to make rectification within a time limit, to implement the requirements of vehicle technical management, to strengthen the regular maintenance of vehicles and vehicle inspection. 3. The Enterprise did not carry on the dynamic monitoring to the belonging vehicle according to the regulation. Focus on hazardous chemicals road transport enterprises do not implement dynamic monitoring and control of Hazardous Chemicals Road Transport vehicles. Check the vehicle dynamic monitoring record within 3 months according to the vehicle account of the enterprise. Failing to carry out dynamic monitoring of vehicles shall be punished in accordance with article sixty-three of the measures. Supervise and urge enterprises to make rectification within the prescribed time limit, establish and improve the management system of vehicle dynamic monitoring, and fully implement the dynamic monitoring of the vehicles belonging to them. 4. The Enterprise failed to issue the dangerous goods waybill to its vehicle as required. We will focus on rectifying the failure of road transport enterprises of hazardous chemicals to issue dangerous goods waybills to their vehicles as required. Check vehicle waybill by vehicle according to Road Transportation Management Information System, vehicle account and dynamic monitoring record. For the existence of the vehicle running track, but not as required to distribute waybills, in accordance with the "measures" article 60 penalties. Urge enterprises to rectify within a time limit, establish and improve the management system of dangerous goods waybill, and strengthen the management of the transportation process of dangerous goods. In case of the above-mentioned situation and the rectification work has not been completed within three months and the conditions for safe production are not met, the local transportation authorities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the People's Republic of China on safe production, if the road transport enterprise of hazardous chemicals is ordered to suspend business for rectification, and the conditions for safe production are not met after the rectification, its road transport operation license shall be revoked according to law. According to the actual situation, the provincial transportation authorities can further refine the identification standards and regulation programs for affiliated operations.

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